Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to draw a Manga Boy's face.

Drawing every day seems to be coming more natural for me. Sometimes when you are getting back into a routine after having been out for a while, it can be a little awkward. That is why it is important to draw something every day. In my first workshop, teaching kids how to draw Manga, it was important for me to let the kids know that drawing every day for a certain amount of time is critical for becoming a better artist. Like a pianist who plays piano really well, their ability to play well did not happen over night. Some times as artists we have to work hard at doing well. I think if I did not work hard at drawing sometimes, I would begin to worry that something might be wrong with me. So, my point is, to be a good artist you need to practice drawing regularly, but have fun drawing.

Here are two samples I gave to the kids after the workshop on May 4th at the Biane Library at Victoria Gardens: They are very basic, and rudimentary, but served the purpose of having something for the children to have a reference to learn drawing. I am happy with them. I may come back and revise these in the near future with a more shot-by-shot approach.

Here is the second drawing I gave as a handout to the participants of the Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage night:

Here are some pictures I have drawn in the manga style and are from my own personal art:

 Manga-ka is the title of this piece. I drew this as sort of an experiment. I was playing around with faces and eyes. This drawing is simple, and one way to know I did this is I use circular backgrounds often in my drawings. Also, I have a certain way of drawing hair contrary to what books might teach. I hope you like it. (Manga-Ka means "whimsical drawing artist" )
Muscles is the title of this piece. I drew this from an image I saw in a Christopher Hart book, but did some of my own tweeking of the image to make my own drawing. It is one of my favorites. (5"x8" Color Pencil on note card paper)
This was originally some angelic character, but I liked the idea of a pirate, so this is what you see. It is still unfinished, but I will likely do an inked and color version here very soon. I have a couple of other projects I am preparing to work on.
This is a note card I drew of a self portrait of me as manga. I have a crazy cat on the shirt which is probably why I like this drawing so much. I used to wear T-shirts with Bill The Cat many years ago which is sort of an inspiration for this little drawing. I made this primarily to use as an avatar on Facebook. This little piece is called "Crazy Cat" (c)2012 kmc

I hope that you have enjoyed this little how to draw session. I know that it is very basic right now. I am learning the ins and outs of creating a good blog, so stay tuned. Until next time, keep drawing.

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